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How to Plan a College Tour Road Trip College Graduation Rates

Bring Extra Fuel You might know the path you'll take as well as your destination But how can you be sure you there are gas-filling stations on the route? One of the most effective tips for planning a college tour road trip is making sure your car is fuel-efficient. In addition to the uncertain existence of gas stations you cannot be sure of costs of fuel on the route you choose to take and when you arrive at your place of destination. Carrying the fuel yourself is a technique that can save you an enormous amount of money once you hit the road. 2. Packaging This is an excursion on the road and not an entire holiday. It is important to be aware of what you'll need on your journey. Because you won't be in a car on this journey by yourself it is advised to communicate with anyone accompanying your trip and explain to them why you should bring lighter luggage. It will help you assure that the vehicle won't be overloaded. The list of items is extensive, however here are a few of the items you should not forget to include: Cameras One of the best ways to make memories is by snapping pictures when you travel as well as at the destination of your choice. Smartphones have proved to be lifesavers to this end. Take your digital camera on the go. Driving License If you are driving yourself, ensure that you carry all of the paperwork required, which includes permits, insurance and the vehicle's registration to avoid getting into trouble with the traffic officials. Emergency Kit Everything can happen when your out. This is why the possession of an emergency kit that is fully-stocked will be essential in the event that any or more of you requires emergency assistance. If you're planning to participate during college sports, you should also ensure that you've got sports medicine in case of emergency. .